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Friday, July 13, 2012

[Turns Feed] [Web Design] 30 Browser-Based Apps for Web Designers & Developers

Web development has moved into the cloud as more engineers are working on-the-go. It just so happens that with more open source code we can build a suitable environment collaborating on projects all across the planet. Not to mention saving time on personal projects and freelance work.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

[Turns Feed] How to Set Text on a Circle [CSS]

There isn't any super simple standardized way to set web type on a circle (or any kind of curve). But it can be done! We'll explore one way to do it here. But be forewarned, we're going to use some CSS3 and JavaScript and not give two hoots about older browsers that don't support some of the required tech. If you're interested in this for a real project, this kind of thing is probably still best served by and image with proper alt text, or proper feature detection which can flip out the image for this fancy technique in browsers that can handle it.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

True Minimalism in Web Design

In this article I want to share a few basic tips to achieve minimalism in web design. I will use a website I designed recently as an example, and then provide some other inspirational designs. It may seem really simple to design minimalist websites, and it really is. But it's not intuitive as there is a general tendency to over-embellish designs, and sometimes this is detrimental to the content. I believe simple sites tend to be more effective because you are not underestimating your users or clients, you are not trying to convince them or sell them something with shiny lights.

Monday, July 9, 2012

[Turns feed] free 24 Free Fonts for Designers

In this post we have put together some high quality free fonts. If you like these fonts you might also want to check out our previous posts below....